Here are a few photos of the cutest little boy alive (not that his mother is biased in anyway cause let's face it she isn't). Anyways Wyatt is just growing up so quickly and learning more and more everyday. He is currently into trains and cars. When he hears the train coming he says choo choo. He also is going to be the best big brother a little sis could ask for. If you ask him where baby sis is he will point to my belly and sometimes when it is time for him to go to sleep at night and you tell him to give baby sis a night night kiss he will kiss my stomach. Too cute I love it.
Anyways the new baby will be arriving shortly although I do kind of hope it might be about 2 weeks from now instead of the day I am scheduled for c section. I just need to finish up a few things at home here and everything will be ready for her arrival.
Enjoy the few pics of the big dub and a video or two for your viewing pleasure.

Wyatt and his mickey mouse club ears

Helping dad clean up the hosue

Still helping.....
Wyatt and Winnie the Pooh enjoying a dance to The Toadies Possum Kingdom
Wyatt rocking out to Johnnie B Good