Wednesday Wyatt and I had an adventurous day. We were driving down Rock Rd to run some errands. A sign (30% off scrubs, scooters and lifts) caught my eye. I will never forget this sign for as long as I live. Anyways the nest thing I know there it was a Mercury Sable right in front of us. It was too late no matter how fast I was going to break I was hitting this car. Don't get me wrong the thought of an impending wreck didn't impede me from trying to break as hard and as fast as I could. Long story short I
rearended the nicest woman ever. She has some bumper damage. Truth be told my hood is worse than her car. So Wyatt cried for 30 secs after the jostle and then fell back asleep. Mom suffered a little bit of whiplash but even that is clearing up. No need for the ER since
RN's are
notorius for self treating. A call to the
Peds Office assured me that Wyatt was okay and to keep an eye on him. He is still his happy go lucky self. So the
O's will be shopping for another car soon. This weekend we are
jetsetting to Pueblo, CO to see some
fam. Look for some photos to come soon of Wyatt's adventures there. Enjoy some pics of my hood damage.

Poor Jolene

Saturn Emblem

Side View

Front End

All is well Playing dress up with mom
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